
One Life Tech Solution is committed to build world class ‘green buildings and developing ‘eco-friendly and green cities’.

Shaping a green, smart and healthy future of real estate by developing sustainable buildings and bridging the gap between normally disconnected stakeholders of the value chain.


It is a global and scalable solution which ensures maintaining consistency and durability. The panels and blocks are built off-site using treated woodchips.


Owing to the easy availability, reusable nature and lighter weight the transportation cost is significantly reduced by up to 30%, and overall building cost is reduced by up to 40%. The material is 100% recyclable.


This is the future of construction for EARTH-FRIENDLY construction. It is strong, lightweight, and flexible, and of course, addresses environmental concerns. It is a mesh made of carbon, which is made through the thermal decomposition of carbon strands.

Our Commitment is Zero Carbon Living

Every element and every activity emits carbon which affects the environment we live in, and harm us in many ways. With optimal use of technology and earth-friendly practices, we can certainly reduce our carbon footprints, and we can make our cities and homes a better place for sure for the generations to come.

Our Solution to Rapid urbanization and Global Carbon Emissions

Use of natural material, like waste wood chip

Regenerate Natural Systems

Bio Climatic construction system- Design out waste and pollution

Keep houses and building materials in use

Energy saving in construction and lifetime operation

Addressing health and hygienic hazards

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